Patriot Mobile Partners with

“Stop giving your money to left-wing businesses who hate you.”
Why subscribe to Patriot Mobile?
When you become a Patriot Mobile member, your dollars are helping to fund our God-given right to freedom. A portion of every dollar we earn is given back to the causes that support organizations that fight for First Amendment Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms, Sanctity of Life, and the needs of our Veterans and First Responders.
Use promo code WRTX and receive free activation.


Our mission is helping folks use their Tech in a better way.

Make My Techxit ® — Tech Coaching for families, churches, groups, organizations
  • Protect your online identity
  • Secure your devices
  • Peace of mind with your tech
  • Defend from information warfare
We all use technology. Whether our smartphones, computers, social media accounts, or other Tech—there’s no denying Tech has made it easier to communicate, accomplish tasks, and has had plenty of other positive effects on societies around the world. Tech can help our lives, create more comfort, and improve efficiency. That’s undisputed. The problem comes in when Technology uses *US*.


Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian Conservative Wireless Provider which offers dependable nationwide coverage on the major 4G and 5G networks, along with 100% US-based customer service.

Patriot Mobile utilizes the same towers as the three major networks, so you’ll enjoy great coverage while supporting causes that align with your values and beliefs.

Business Lines Also Available

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