Patriot Mobile Sponsors Faith and Freedom’s Road to Majority Conference

June 20-22 – Patriot Mobile sponsored the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference, the nation’s premier pro-faith, pro-family gathering. This significant event brought together thousands of Christian conservative activists in Washington, DC, who were inspired and equipped to champion their values at the polls and in the public arena.

The Faith and Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement with nearly three million members across the United States. Committed to mobilizing and training people of faith for impactful civic engagement, the coalition promotes Christian values in the public sphere and aims to influence public policy at all levels of government.

The conference featured empowering speeches from prominent conservative leaders, including former President Donald Trump, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, and Dr. Ben Carson. These leaders emphasized the importance of active participation in the political process. President Trump, in particular, highlighted the need for Christians to vote, stating, “As you know, the radical Left has tried to shame Christians, silence you, demoralize you, and they want to keep you out of politics. They don’t want you to vote, that’s why you have to vote.”

Statistics from My Faith Votes underscores the critical need for increased voter participation among Christians. The organization reports that more than 25 million Christians do not vote in presidential elections, and 65 million Christians do not vote in local elections. This data highlights the urgent need for the Church to engage believers in the democratic process.

President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump and Ralph Reed
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin
Dr. Ben Carson
Kari Lake

Leigh Wambsganss, Patriot Mobile’s Chief Communications Officer, took the stage to share what distinguishes Patriot Mobile from other wireless providers. “Yes, we are a nationwide cellular service provider with 4G and 5G coverage. You can bring your own phone and port your number over,” she said. “But the reason we exist is to give. We give a portion of every dollar we earn to organizations fighting for our freedoms. Our mission is to relentlessly fight for our God-given freedoms and to honor God always!”

Leigh Wambsganss

The Patriot Mobile booth at the conference saw enthusiastic engagement from many attendees who stopped by to share their stories and learn more about our company’s mission and services.

In this crucial election year, the stakes are higher than ever. It is imperative that Christians make their voices heard by voting at the ballot box and by voting with their wallets. We must do everything in our power to turn America around and protect our God-given rights and freedoms from those who aim to take them away.

Patriot Mobile is honored to stand with fellow patriots who believe in letting their faith guide them in the public square. Thank you, Faith and Freedom, for bringing together believers from around the country to unite in our shared mission, inspire one another, and take action in defending our values and freedoms.

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