Two Years Later: Pro-Lifers Celebrate Roe v. Wade Overturn at Lincoln Memorial

June 21-23 – Patriot Mobile co-hosted the National Celebrate Life Weekend in Washington, DC, commemorating the second anniversary of the landmark Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

On Saturday, thousands of pro-lifers gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to celebrate this historic victory and advocate for equal rights for all. The Patriot Mobile team, led by Glenn and Jenny Story, CEO and COO, proudly participated in the rally. The crowd heard powerful speeches from numerous pro-life leaders, including Penny Nance of Concerned Women For America, Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Lauren Muzyka of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, and many more. Each voice echoed a profound commitment to defending life at every stage.

Patriot Mobile staff at the National Celebrate Life Rally
Penny Nance
Kristan Hawkins
Lauren Muzyka
Glenn Story with Students for Life

Leigh Wambsganss, Patriot Mobile’s Chief Communications Officer, also delivered heartfelt and motivating remarks. “At Patriot Mobile, we are so committed to protecting our Preborn Patriots that the Sanctity of Life is one of our four pillars of giving. We just celebrated our 10-year anniversary, and in those ten years, we have given over $1.4 million to pro-life organizations,” said Wambsganss. “One of the BRAVEST THINGS we can do is stand in the gap, speak TRUTH to power, and STOP the murder of innocent life!” As we reflect on the hard-won victories of the pro-life movement, we remain resolute in our mission to protect every life in America.

Leigh Wambsganss
Jonathan Alexandre
Patriot Mobile staff sings National Anthem

The National Celebrate Life Gala, co-sponsored by Patriot Mobile, was another highlight of the weekend. Daily Wire host Matt Walsh delivered a powerful keynote speech, reminding us why we continue this crucial fight and encouraging us that truth is indeed on our side. “The pro-life message has already won in so many ways on so many battlefields. Winning is our destiny because truth always prevails in the end. You just have to stand there with it and not leave,” said Walsh. “Eventually the day will come when every child is free to be born and to live. I see that day in the future. But we’re not there yet. And so for now, we fight!”

Matt Walsh
Kristan Hawkins
Leigh Wambsganss

Today’s pro-life movement is the pro-love movement. It’s more than just changing laws. Today’s pro-life heroes provide resources for moms in crisis pregnancies, medical care, housing, education, job training, jobs and childcare. It’s about being the hands and feet of Jesus to moms in crisis pregnancies.

As the pro-life movement moves forward in post-Roe America, we are filled with hope and determination. Patriot Mobile will continue to stand with pro-lifers, advocating for the protection and dignity of every human life. Together, we will build a future where the rights of the most vulnerable are upheld and cherished.

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